FINKA - Six Collection Series 4 Figurine
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Product Description
Lera Finka Melnikova is a Byelorussian Attacking Operator. Physically harmed by the Chernobyl Disaster when she was a child, Finka has worked tirelessly to improve her performance and skills. After joining the Russian Army, she became a CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear) specialist in a Russian special operations unit, and a vital element in her squad. With unique skills in nanobot deployment, Finka is able to help her teammates survive in hostile environments. Let’s welcome Finka, the nanobot specialist. Finka is part of Series 4 of the Six Collection Chibi, along with Blitz, Dokkaebi and Glaz. Each figurine comes with a unique code that unlocks an exclusive in-game charm in Rainbow Six Siege.
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